Finding Your Identity Through Immersion Workshops

Finding Your Identity Through Immersion Workshops

Recently I attended a Sensory Immersion Retreat at Soul Sierra in Cebu, Philippines. After the weekend I learned more about myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Personal development is something I’ve always loved. But, the journey through personal development can also be hard. Once I found this retreat, I knew I had to go. Tune in to hear why.

Join me on this conversation with Jeanne Louise (@loiseydoodle), on Day 1 of the @SoulSierra Sensory Immersion Retreat. Join us on our conversation talking through our journey and how essential oil education, kundalini yoga, a cocoa ceremony, and a sound healing bath opened our minds and hearts so that we are able to flourish our personal, spiritual, and business lives. 

↓ Click the play button below to listen to our conversation now! ↓