Overcoming Fear and Understanding Your Self Worth

Overcoming Fear and Understanding Your Self Worth

On this episode I have a very special guest, who is a dear friend of mine and was one of of my college roommates for two years, Neve Moos (@neve_moos). Neve graduated college with me from Marquette University in May 2019 and signed a three 

How Traveling Leads to Personal Development

How Traveling Leads to Personal Development

Traveling and personal development goes hand in hand. During your travels, you’ll learn so much about yourself and what you are capable of. In this episode of @thefemalepassionproject, the founder, Angelique Vestil, shares her story about her travels. Angelique openly talks about how traveling leads 

What Electronics To Pack Before Studying Abroad

What Electronics To Pack Before Studying Abroad

What Electronics to pack for studying abroad Studying abroad is a big step. There is so much stuff to worry about like picking up and completely moving to a different country that it’s so easy to forget the basics. I wanted to created this electronics 

A Women’s Packing List For Southeast Asia

A Women’s Packing List For Southeast Asia

women’s packing list for backpacking Southeast Asia Asia is getting more and more popular for women looking to travel in a group or solo. The best thing about traveling through Southeast Asia is that everything is so cheap! Especially if you are like me making 

12 Tips to Stay Safe as a Solo Female Traveler

12 Tips to Stay Safe as a Solo Female Traveler

Whether you are planning your first or tenth trip as a solo female traveler, staying safe is always something we should be aware about. Here is a list of tips to stay safe as a solo female traveler.   Trust your gut Your intuition is so 

Why You Should Travel in Your 20s

Why You Should Travel in Your 20s

Why You Should Travel in Your 20s Traveling is something I hold close and dear to my heart. I’d like to think traveling is the reason why I am the person I am today and why I want to succeed in life. I have learned 

Perfect Travel Gifts for Female Travelers

Perfect Travel Gifts for Female Travelers

PERFECT TRAVEL GIFTS FOR FEMALE TRAVELERS I feel like sometimes shopping for women in general can be one of the most daunting tasks as a friend, boyfriend, husband, etc. I love traveling and I love gifts, so I’d like to think I know a little 

How to Afford Traveling the World | Budget Travel Tips

How to Afford Traveling the World | Budget Travel Tips

HOW TO AFFORD TRAVELING THE WORLD A lot of people think traveling the world has to be this expensive, luxurious, extravagant adventure. But it doesn’t have to be. To be honest, some of my favorite traveling stories was when I budget traveled throughout Europe for 

Women’s Packing List for Backpacking Europe in the Summer

Women’s Packing List for Backpacking Europe in the Summer

women’s packing list for backpacking europe in the summer It’s that time of year. The most popular time to be backpacking Europe. Last year I backpacked Europe for a month and a half so I’d like to think of myself as experienced. I had such