Moving to a new country and getting a fresh start where no one knows you sounds exciting. At the same time it’s intimidating and scary and might give you loads of anxiety.
For me, moving to a new country was to help me find myself. It was time for me to finally get to know myself and my soul. On social media my life might look glamorous with all my travels. But it’s not as pretty as it seems and on this episode, I dive deep into those emotions.
On this episode of The Female Passion Project, I share my story on my journey. I moved to the other side of the world with absolutely not plan and this is just me coming to terms with what my life looks like these days.
I didn’t plan on moving. As a matter of fact, I only thought I’d be in Asia for one month. Fast forward a couple of months and I’ve decided to live here.
Every day is a challenge but I love the thrill of it all. I love the unknown. I love the spontaneity. “No one needs to know their life plan. At my age, life isn’t meant to be figured out. Life is meant to be worked out and be enjoyed. We don’t need to know every single step of our plan from now until we die. Because as morbid as this sounds, you don’t know when that day is going to come”.
“At the end of the day, the only person you have to please is yourself. You need to stop living this life to please other people”.
“The thing about moving to a new place by yourself is that you actually have to get involved in the community to meet people”. If I’m not putting myself out there to meet new friends, then odds are I’ll feel alone.
There are days where I am lonely and question what the heck I am doing. But there are also days where I love myself for choosing this lifestyle. Every day I am pushing myself outside my comfort zone by finding new communities to be a part of it The people I meet and the stories I hear are so worth it.
It’s scary, lonely, and hard at times but the reward is worth it. Every day I’m uncovering new strengths and reconnecting with old weaknesses. I am learning to overcome those and am getting to know my life to the highest level I’ve ever experienced.
“It’s hard work to get comfortable in a new place. It’s hard work and I push my limits every single day”. I don’t know the language, I don’t know people, and people don’t know me and it’s all difficult.
Social anxiety is feeling a sense of anxiety and stress in a social environment. Social anxiety is something most people on paper wouldn’t think I have. I have a loud voice, laugh a lot, and am very talkative with my friends. What most people don’t know is that when I’m meeting new people, I’m timid and shy.
Sometimes my social anxiety consumes me so bad that I feel like I’m suffocating in a room of people. Sometimes I need that extra reminder that everything will be okay.
Moving to a country where I know nobody brought out that social anxiety more than ever. I’m learning to come to terms with it and how to deal with it.
“A lot of times people don’t talk about the hardships that come with traveling and the hardships of traveling alone”. Traveling is so rewarding but it can also be hard. But when you hear about people traveling most people often forget to talk about that part.
Moving to a new place and navigating a foreign country in a foreign language is hard. It will push you outside of your comfort zone, but alongside of that you will learn what you are capable of.
A lot of times I’m sight-seeing alone or going to events alone with the hopes of making new friends. Sometimes I make instant connections and other times I feel so isolated.
Slowly, I’m learning to live in gratitude when I feel lonely and am starting to enjoy my time with my thoughts. I’ve had so much self-revelation within myself and it’s been so rewarding in the process.
Moving to a new city is scary and intimidating. I am constantly looking for communities where I can meet locals and travelers. With technology, communities are so easy to find whever you are in the world.
Chiang Mai has a big digital community, making it easy for me to connect with people like me. I’ve joined so many Facebook groups and go to random events that show up on my news feed.
Getting involved in the local community can be intimidating. My subconscious mind always reminds of things that can go wrong. Once you separate those fears from your thoughts it opens the doors to so many opportunities.
“Your subconscious will always be there. But that’s your own voice and you control that”. At the end of the day “if you tell yourself that something makes you feel good. Your mindset will shift to a new way of thinking”.
As I grow older, I am starting to realize that being friends with people takes a lot of energy. I am finally starting to use that energy in a way that serves me. I’m not friends with people out of convenience but are friends with people that serve my greater being.
I know, you might be thinking “what the heck that sounds so selfish”. But being selfish for all the right reasons is so important for you to discover who you actually are.
As I grow older, I am starting to realize that being friends with people takes a lot of energy. I am finally starting to use that energy in a way that serves me. I no longer am friends with people out of convenience but are friends with people that serve my greater being.
I know, you might be thinking “what the heck that sounds so selfish”. But being selfish for all the right reasons is so important for you to discover who you actually are.
During this episode I talk from the heart about my journey so far. Moving to a new city isn’t easy. Some days it’s really lonely and I question why I decided to move to the other side of the world.