Welcome to the very beginning of angaroundtheglobe. I’m very excited to start this blog because I’ve always had an aptitude for blog-like websites originating all the way from myspace to tumblr and now to here. I also always had an aptitude for writing and sharing stories which is where this blog comes in. Now that I’m here, I’m so excited to share what I know and what I am hoping to learn in the near future.
I am a 19 year old student at a very expensive private university. I am currently working to attain a undergraduate degree in business administration but am falling deep into debt with my student loans. I used to work a minimum wage job but I hated it so much I figured there must be something out there that would allow me to make a continuous income without me hating my life so much.
I recently had the opportunity to backpack Europe with all I had saved from my minimum waged job. I lived borderline homeless, out of a backpack, with a very small budget for food and sleeping arrangements. I found the cheapest hostels and the cheapest food markets to be able to save as much money I could through out this whole month long journey.
What made me start with this blog is that I wanted to be able to track my progress and wanted a platform to hold myself accountable for the goals I set for myself. I want to figure out a way to be able to fund this love for traveling I have by figuring out how I can be able to work from any location in the world.
I decided that along this journey I would like to share the knowledge I know now and the knowledge I hope to gain along the way.
I will be sharing traveling tips, frugal finds, financing tips, and more.