What Electronics To Pack Before Studying Abroad

What Electronics To Pack Before Studying Abroad

What Electronics to pack for studying abroad

Studying abroad is a big step. There is so much stuff to worry about like picking up and completely moving to a different country that it’s so easy to forget the basics. I wanted to created this electronics packing guide for study abroad to help alleviate some stress off your shoulders. 

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1. universal adapter

A universal adapter is the first thing you NEED to buy before studying abroad. Some countries have different outlets than others, but finding one device that does it all is so necessary. I would 100% invest in a good universal adapter that has multiple outlets so you can charge all your devices at once.

I’ve gone through several adapters – cheap and expensive. I found the JMFONE travel adapter on Amazon to be the best out of all the ones I have tried. I’d buy two, just in case you end up losing one down the road. 

2. portable battery pack

Yeah you can get a battery pack practically anywhere, but actually getting one that lasts is what counts. Odds are you’ll be going on all these amazing trips, but odds are your phone will die at some point. Getting a portable battery pack that lasts is definitely something you NEED to get before studying abroad. 

3. digital luggage scale

A digital luggage scale is so important for traveling. A lot of flights within Europe are super strict about the weight of your bag. Having a small digital luggage scale will help you respect those rules.

It is especially useful at the end of your study abroad semester. Odds are you’ll buy a bunch of extra things you’ll want to take home, and will add a couple of pounds to your luggage. Having a digital luggage scale is so nice to make sure you meet the weight requirements before your flight home. 

4. high quality camera / DSLR

I know, I know. We live in an age where our phones have become our cameras. But I love photography and capturing moments through an actual camera. This isn’t completely necessary if you aren’t into that stuff, but I loved having a high quality camera during my semester abroad. It’d definitely be a fun time to explore and get your first DSLR too. 

I personally use the Canon G7X Mark II and love it’s super portable, super high quality, and the screen flips so you can actually take proper photos of yourself. Canon makes it super easy to transport photos and videos straight to your devices through the Canon app too!

5. go pro camera

If you’re not totally into the whole photography thing, having a GoPro is a happy medium. It’s perfect for underwater adventures or just recording a night out. Even though it’s super small and portable, it has extremely high quality photos and videos. 

I use the GoPro Hero 7 and love how clear all the photos/videos are. You can easily transport the images straight through your phone on the GoPro app. 

6. Portable Hard Drive

With cloud storage and backup these days, this is becoming less and less necessary. But if your phone and laptop have low storage, then getting a portable hard drive is 100% necessary! I took so many photos and videos during my semester abroad and ran out of space on BOTH my phone and my laptop.

I had to buy a portable hard drive when I was abroad, which was more expensive than if I had bought it prior to my semester abroad. They are a bit pricey, but having the extra storage and space is definitely worth it. Also make sure the hard drive is compatible with your laptop before leaving!!

7. dual voltage hair straighter / curling iron

If you don’t have hair products that are dual voltage, you will literally fry your electronics. I know people who tried using a 120V straightener in 220V European outlets that ended up in a power outage in the whole building. 

I personally use a the AmoVee two-in-one straightener/curler and swear by it. It’s one of the best hair purchases I’ve ever made because it is so useful and dual voltage.. It’s pretty small, so super convenient for people with short hair. But there are many alternatives out there, just be sure to do your research.

If you already have hair products that you love, make sure they are dual voltage before leaving for your semester abroad. I also love using Royale hair products and they have lasted me years throughout my semester abroad, travels, and living in the states

8. dual voltage hair dryer

As I said before, you definitely need to make sure your hair devices are dual voltage. If they aren’t they will fry and get destroyed then you’ll have to somehow find a new hair device in whatever country you are in. 

9. kindle / tablet

Obviously you can’t bring a ton of books with you. But if you’re an avid reader then investing in a kindle or tablet would definitely be worth it. I like to read on planes, train rides, or even just hanging out on the beach. Having a kindle is the perfect way you can read a ton of books without physically having to bring a ton of books with you. 

I love having a Kindle and it lasts forever so I think it’s definitely worth the money. Again, not necessary if you don’t read that many books. I also love audiobooks, which is another good alternative instead of bringing actual books. 

10. noise canceling headphones

For the plane or even to block out loud roommates. Having a good pair of headphones is so nice to have during your time abroad. I love my Apple AirPods, but there are a ton of alternatives out there as well. 

Having good headphones is definitely important on your list of what electronics to pack for studying abroad.

what electronics to pack for studying abroad

And there you all have it. A guide of what electronics to pack for studying abroad. I know, you’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed. But your semester will be absolutely incredible and I’m so excited for the journey you are about to go on. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this post and happy travels!

Xoxo – Angelique Vestil (@angaroundtheglobe)

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