Things To Do in Bali, Indonesia | Bali Itinerary

Things To Do in Bali, Indonesia | Bali Itinerary

If you’re looking for Things to do in Bali or a Bali itinerary then you came to the right place. Bali is an absolutely amazing place that’s full of so much spirituality, self-love, and friendly locals. 

Since my brother lives there, I had the opportunity to experience the island half as a local and half as a tourist. I fell absolutely in love with the island, its culture, its food, and the beauty of all the people there (literally). I’m so excited to share with you my guide of things to do in Bali and hope you find this list helpful in planning. 

Things to do in Bali 

Things to do in Canggu, Bali

Canggu is amazing. It’s a small and quaint little town and everyone I met was absolutely incredible. A lot of people who live in Canggu are digital nomads or yogis and everyone is so welcoming. 

Take a surf lesson at Batu Bolong Beach, Canggu

Surfing at Batu Balong Beach things to do in Bali

I took a surf lesson at Batu Bolong and wanted to come back because the water and the waves are amazing! Along the beach front, there are a lot of little warungs (small shops) that offer surf lessons. 

Most of them offered relatively the same price, so just pick one. It was my first time surfing and my surf instructor did an amazing job. By the end of the surf lesson, I was even able to ride the wave!

Take one of the many free classes

There are so many free classes offered all over Bali. You can take a yoga class, a salsa dancing class, a breathwork class, and the list goes on an on! 

By free, I mean they are usually offered by tipping the instructor. The classes aren’t really posted anywhere so ask around to find where the free classes are. Wherever you are staying might have a list of classes they know of or might even offer their own classes!

Watch the sunset at Batu Bolong Beach

Watching the sunset at Batu Balong Beach, Canggu

The sun sets over the beach and it’s absolutely beautiful! All the warungs set out bean bag chairs and the vibe is amazing. There’s dogs running around everywhere and people are so relaxed. Definitely a great way to unwind after a long day traveling around Canggu. 

Drop in on a Yoga class

There are so many yogis, yoga classes, and yoga studios throughout Bali. They have classes for all level types so even if you are a beginner you should try it! There’s so many different types too! From vinyasa flow to acro yoga to kundalini yoga and so much more!

Go to an ecstatic dance

Ecstatic dance is pretty much a no drinking, no talking, dance party. It’s a form of expression, meditation and pushes you outside of your comfort zone. The first time I went I felt really uncomfortable sober dancing, but after a while you let your body flow with the music and the feeling is amazing!

They say we hold a lot of tension and stressors from our everyday life in our body and the only way to get rid of them is by dance. It’s amazing and you should definitely try it!

Where to eat in Canggu

Now that you have a list of things to do in Canggu, Bali – you’re probably looking for places to eat in Canggu! Eating in Bali is amazing because there’s so many healthy options, but they are so delicious too! They also have a ton of vegan/vegetarian options that are amazingly delicious too!

  • Crate Café
  • Serenity Eco Guesthouse 
  • Tropikale
  • Bali Buda
  • Motion Café 

Things to do in Ubud, Bali

Tegalalalang Rice Terraces

Tegalalalang rice terraces, Bali, Indonesia

Yes the rices terraces and the Bali swing photo that Bali has become famous for. Tegalalalang is just a short drive away from Ubud and it’s beautiful! I went twice and I think the best time to go is early in the morning. There are less crowds and the sunrise makes for a great photo opp. 

Pura Tirta Empul

Visiting Pura Tirta Empul in Bali, Indonesia

A hindu water temple that is known for it’s holy spring water. Balinese locals do several rituals here and it’s a beautiful thing to see. They say the water is super healing!

The ritual is you drink the water three times out of your hands and then dunk your head under three times too. A local told us that it will heal all your pains.

Ulundesa Coffee House

Doing a coffee and tea tasting at the Ulundesa Coffee House in Bali

I found this place because a local suggested it to us. It has an amazing view of the Ubud forest. But they do a taste testing for free for all their coffee, cocoa, and tea! Once you try them all (and yes they are ALL AMAZING), you can choose which ones you want to buy. That is if you want to, which your probs will because everything is so dang good! 

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary 

Yes. A place that’s full of monkeys. I didn’t have time to go, but this place is also a super popular tourist sight! I saw monkeys up close when I did the Mt. Batur sunrise trek so didn’t feel the need to go to the monkey forest!

Beware tho!! The monkeys will jump on you if you have food and might try to take things out of your bag. 

Mt. Batur Sunrise Trek 

It’s early and it’s exhausting but the view at the top is totally worth it! The van picked us up at 2 am, we had breakfast, and then started our hike up the mountain around 4am. 

It’s a pretty tiring trek and it’s dark out so at times it can be a little scary, but seriously the view at the top is AMAZING! 

Toya Devasya Hot Spring Wellness Resort

Toya Devaysa Hot spring wellness resort near mount batur in Bali

Our driver suggested this place and it’s at the bottom of Mt. Batur. It’s a natural hot spring and wellness resort that is so relaxing! 

The Yoga Barn

Yoga barn is THE yoga studio of ubud. It’s huge and there’s so many things you can do all the way from yoga to energy healing to ecstatic dance and practically everything wellness related.

They have a ton of different packages that you can look into or you can just drop into one of their yoga classes. Their café has amazing food too! 

Tibumana Waterfall

Tibumana Waterfall near Ubud, Bali

Tibumana waterfall is about a 20-30 minute scooter ride from Ubud. It was the first thing I did when I got to Ubud and it was beautiful. Be aware, the hike is pretty step. It’s a staircase but it’s definitely a long one.

Things to do near Lempuyang and Tirtagangga

Taman Tirtagangga 

Tirtagangga was a former royal palace that’s open to the public. It has amazing fish ponds and beautiful water. 

Temple of Lempuyang Luhur 

Lempuyang Mirror Pic

Lempuyang is one of the highest regarded temples in Bali and is known for its heaven’s gate. It’s a beautiful place, but beware of the crowds.

Also don’t be fooled, the reflection you see is not water, it’s a mirror! There’s a guy that takes a really Instagrammable picture with a mirror reflecting the gates and if you want that photo you have to queue in line. 

Otherwise just hang out, see the temple, and take pics from afar. 

There you have it. A guide of things to do in Bali. I hope you loved reading this and if you did, don’t forget to pin it an share it!